On March 27, 2023, at approximately 10:17 AM ET, the Microsoft @MSFT365status Twitter account reported that Microsoft was investigating an issue in which some users were experiencing delays and even failures when trying to open links through Safe Links.
For system administrators and IT professionals who have access to the Microsoft Admin Center, the service incident number to reference was EX533537. Microsoft would subsequently provide a second incident number for this issue, TM533635.
We're investigating an issue where users may encounter delays or failures opening links scanned by Safelinks. Please refer to EX533537 on the Service Health Dashboard for more details.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) March 27, 2023
Approximately 90 minutes later, Microsoft identified a "potential" source for the issue. However, remediation was not yet under way, according to the tweet. The second incident number, TM533635, was also provided at this time.
We’ve identified a potential source of the issue and are determining our next steps to remediate the problem. Please refer to EX533537 or TM533635 in the admin center for additional details.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) March 27, 2023
At 1:54 PM ET, approximately 4 hours from their first message, Microsoft stated confidently that the issue had been successfully mitigated. There were no subsequent tweets from Microsoft as to EX533537 or TM533635. Additionally, there were very few responses on Twitter from the community, which is generally understood as an indication of a minor service incident with limited impact.
Our system telemetry indicates that a series of restarts performed on the affected infrastructure successfully mitigated the issue. Please refer to EX533537 or TM533635 in the admin center for additional details.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) March 27, 2023
The previous Microsoft 365 service incident occurred on March 23, just four days ago, and it involved certain Conditional Access policy settings which caused Microsoft 365 access issues.
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