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Microsoft 365

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Increase Microsoft 365 Adoption, Safeguard Your Data, and Reduce Costs with ENow 8.0

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ENow Software
In today’s challenging economic environment, maximizing the return on technology investments is more critical than ever. Organizations seek to do more with less, streamline operations, and avoid unexpected costs. Our latest release, EMS 8.0, is designed to meet these needs. It offers an improved architecture, a brand-new module that helps you measure Microsoft 365 adoption and a new user interface that boosts efficiency and simplifies IT management of your Microsoft technologies.  
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GAL Syncing: The Secret Sauce

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ENow Software

Undertaking a recipe always involves three key things – planning, ingredients, and execution. But pulling off a really good recipe, one that pleases everyone is an accomplishment, and that typically involves a proprietary method or ‘secret sauce’ to make it a success. The same methodology applies to GAL Syncing scenarios and achieving a successful sync according to project scope and expected outcomes. Seems simple, right?

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5 Key Collaboration Capabilities That Are Imperative for Your M&A Day 1

Image of AmyKelly Petruzzella
AmyKelly Petruzzella

A critical milestone during a merger or acquisition for enterprise end-users is Day 1. This is the first day when the merging organizations officially start working as one. It lays the foundation out of the gate and can affect the first 100 days post-transaction. To achieve a successful Day 1, it all comes down to IT.

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ENow's Top 12 Posts of 2020

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ENow Software

As we start off 2021, we thought it would a perfect time to look back at the ENow Solution Engine blog results for 2020.

It was an interesting year to say the least. Many of us found ourselves working remote (whether our organizations were prepared for it or not) amongst the many other challenges 2020 brought and although we've learned a lot, we think it's safe to say we're all ready for a fresh start in 2021.

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