Harris selected Mailscape due to its excellent support, ease of install, ability to be up and running in no time, and it worked perfectly from day one. In addition, the intuitive functionality meant she never had to open the user manual. The company standardized on BlackBerry since many of their employees travel for business internationally, so being able to monitor both their Exchange and BlackBerry systems on one screen was another benefit.
Used by Exchange administrators in over 29 countries, Mailscape is an innovative systems management tool that combines all the key elements for Exchange reporting and monitoring in a single solution. Mailscape has received numerous awards including this year being named the Best Exchange Reporting Tool of the MSExchange.org's Readers' Choice Awards.
Signup online to test drive Mailscape.
About ENow
ENow is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner focused on helping companies implement the latest Microsoft technologies and developing software tools to simplify the job of an IT administrator. The company’s flagship product, Mailscape, is an award winning Exchange monitoring and reporting tool that provides a dashboard view of the messaging environment. For more information, call 1-877-TRY-ENOW, email us at info@enowsoftware.com, or visit us at www.enowsoftware.com.